Anthony Peter Luckwill
(Tony Luckwill)


On Friday 24th October Luckwill publicly posted:.

Path: sn-us!sn-post-02!sn-post-01!!!not-for-mail
From: Llandrovers
Subject: Re: Attn : Harry H
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2003 12:23:07 +0100

See an email I received from him not long ago, reproduced below:

Date: Sun Aug 3, 2003  1:40:55 AM Europe/London
Subject: Die, man, die.

I wish you'd hurry up and commit suicide - I am determined to ensure you do
this eventually. The world does not want you anymore. We do not need
disabled idiots in our planet. All people with Asperger Syndrome should, in
my opinion, be put up against a wall and shot at the earliest opportunity.
Hitler was right, you know.

The sooner you dispose of yourself the better for the world as a whole.


Obviously, I have forwarded all email and NG postings made by Bailey to the
relevant authorities and will continue to do so.

PS: What is interesting is that the Police have taken my complaint about
Bailey seriously this time.

Llandrovers!         Website & contact via
2003 Discovery Td5 GS5 c/w CDL - perfection and brilliance!
South Wales Land Rover Enthusiasts -

It may appear incredible that he claims this was sent at the same time I also give him an Olive branch following his Libel, although it is no surprise as he has a very short attention span.

I find the contents of his forged email offensive in the extreme.

You will observe that Luckwill claims he has given a copy to the "relevant authorities", which I believe counts as forging evidence.

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